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Visibility and scent are two of the three main ways fish sense their prey (vibration is the third). They are also the ones fish rely on the most. When fishing, it is therefore important that we try to make our baits appeal to these senses as much as possible. And there is a product on the market that I have come to rely on that really helps in that endeavor. The product is known as Spike-It.
Spike-It is essentially a dye that comes in various colors and flavors. I like to use the product to add visibility to my plastic baits. Rather than buy different plastics that have all sorts of different colors, which can get rather expensive, I just buy Spike-It and when my bait needs a flash of chartreuse or pink, I just dip the tail of the bait in bottle and I’m good to go.
Chartreuse is probably the color I use most often, but hot pink is another popular choice. Remember, it is often just a flash of color that catch’s a fish’s attention. And it sometimes only takes that little something extra to go from being skunked to putting a limit in the boat.
I have used this product successfull for crappie, walleye and bass. And it often increases my catch rate immediately. I usually like to add the color to the tip of the tail of the plastic bait, which is usually the part of the bait that has the most action in the water.
Another great feature of Spike-It is the ability to add color without changing baits. This is great when you’re locked onto a school of fish and don’t want to take the time to tie on a new bait. With Spike-It, just a quick dip and you’re ready to go.
If you use a lot of plastic baits when fishing, Spike-It is a product you must try. You likely won’t spend better money than you will on this product!